Yeah, we all know they changed the recipe on us years ago. It wasn't hard to figure out. One day it just didn't taste so good anymore. I stopped drinking it. Then, a few years ago, I was in Zacualpan, a stunning hilltop mining town south of Mexico City and it was hot. Too hot for cerveza, so really, really warm. I get a Coke. It's in a bottle and it's amazingly delicious. Finally I understood what John at Galco's has been talking about all those times I was stubbornly filling my cart with spicy ginger ales. Yes, it's the real thing.
You see, Mexican Coca-Cola is made with cane sugar, while the stuff we get here is made with corn syrup. A small difference, the folks at Coke thought, but a tasty one.
Mexican Coke has been around the states for a while and, if you know where to look, readily available—but pricey. Until now. Costco has it for just under $18 for a 24-bottle case. Get it while you can—summer's coming.