It’s already ancient history in the blogodome, but I had a chance to check out Synchronize at Cinespace last Wednesday, but first, a quick update on our neighbors, the Liberty Grill. It would seem as if they have just received a literal truckload of Jack Daniel’s, or as Tennessee locals call it, Tennessee Milk.* Needless to say, this Hungry? editor has not been happier since his Special K Promise Pen arrived last month.
Synchronize is a monthly event at Hollywood club-come-movie-house Cinespace where sort-of-classic films play while DJ Thomas Golubic spins a live reinterpretation of the film’s soundtrack. Last month they wowed me with a slick reinterpretation of Taxi Driver—mostly hip-hop and trip-hop spins on the film’s jazzy soundtrack. I was hopelessly (and geekily) elated when they announced that the next Synchronized film would be Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. Once again, the show was fantastic. The DJ showed amazing restraint and did not try to compete with Kubrick’s lush direction, but rather, actually complemented it. If you like movies and you like mashups, you’ll dig their next show. The low-rez samples on their Myspace just don’t do it justice.
The food at Cinespace is sort of pricey standard upscale club fare (classy pizza, salad, mini-burgers, mac ‘n’ cheese, etc.). If you’re sitting for the movie they will want you to order a meal (sort of a dinner-theater thing, I guess). Either bring someone along with the scrills to buy a meal or order a couple drinks and an appetizer. The waitresses here are incredibly friendly, but no one likes a mooch. If you get there early I would check out the hotdog spot around the corner on Ivar. I’m pretty sure it’s the same one from the Crow. You must get there before the show as this place closes up early.
I’m told that after the film the club usually reverts back to a more traditional (though always cool) atmosphere with live DJ audio/visual sets, dancing, and bands, but, alas, I have not yet seen this as my roommate, and sole means of transport, has had to work early every Thursday morning for the past couple months. Be sure to thank the Getty Trust for this.
Cinespace is located at 6356 Hollywdood Blvd., Hollywood, CA and can be reached at (323) 817-3456 or on their Myspace. Synchronize occurs the last Wednesday of every month. Next up: Lode Runner. Jack Daniel’s is always an excellent beverage, though it is not recommended while operating heavy machinery like, say, the governorship of Texas.
(*Editor’s Note: The author has never been to, nor has ever met anyone from, Tennessee. This statement implies no ill will towards those from Tennessee or those of Tennessee-an herriage, and the author acknowledges that he has no knowledge of whether locals actually call Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey “Tennessee Milk”. Though it would be pretty funny if they did.)
Monday, July 31, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Sun Tea Debacle
For those of you who are not familiar, sun tea is just like normal tea only the brewing occurs (drum roll) in a pitcher facing direct sunlight over a period of a few hours, instead of in boiling water over a few minutes.

I decided to make some, partly because green tea has tons of health benefits, partly because I was a little tired of drinking plain old water all the time, but mostly because using the sun’s unforgiving heat to brew myself a cool beverage seemed like some sort of indirect victory over nature. So I bought a small box of green tea from Ralph’s for three bucks, and a large glass jar from a nearby Goodwill for about the same. I’ve always liked a fairly strong cup of tea, so I estimated that about three tea bags would do the trick. I found a spot on a table in the sun, and placed a note instructing my roommates to not mess with my tea nearby. Nature would take care of the rest, so I left to run some errands.
I returned to something very strange. My tea was much more viscous than I anticipated, somewhere between water and thick orange juice. A little disappointed in myself for messing up something that seemed so simple, I googled ‘sun tea’ to see where I could have went wrong. But it turns out that my brewing methods were just fine. The problem was bacteria.
You see, direct sunlight will only heat a jug, including my container, to a measly 130 degrees Farenheit. This is warm enough for tea to brew, but not warm enough to kill off Alacligenes Viscolactis, a ropy bacteria that apparently survives on this planet by eating small bits of processed green tea leaves. My sun tea was food poisoning in a jug.
Of course this won’t happen to every batch of sun tea; people do drink it all the time. But bacteria thrive in lukewarm liquids, so drink with caution. After seeing how mine turned out I think I may just stick with the instant variety.
Nature 1, Me 0.
—Sam Leonard
I decided to make some, partly because green tea has tons of health benefits, partly because I was a little tired of drinking plain old water all the time, but mostly because using the sun’s unforgiving heat to brew myself a cool beverage seemed like some sort of indirect victory over nature. So I bought a small box of green tea from Ralph’s for three bucks, and a large glass jar from a nearby Goodwill for about the same. I’ve always liked a fairly strong cup of tea, so I estimated that about three tea bags would do the trick. I found a spot on a table in the sun, and placed a note instructing my roommates to not mess with my tea nearby. Nature would take care of the rest, so I left to run some errands.
I returned to something very strange. My tea was much more viscous than I anticipated, somewhere between water and thick orange juice. A little disappointed in myself for messing up something that seemed so simple, I googled ‘sun tea’ to see where I could have went wrong. But it turns out that my brewing methods were just fine. The problem was bacteria.
You see, direct sunlight will only heat a jug, including my container, to a measly 130 degrees Farenheit. This is warm enough for tea to brew, but not warm enough to kill off Alacligenes Viscolactis, a ropy bacteria that apparently survives on this planet by eating small bits of processed green tea leaves. My sun tea was food poisoning in a jug.
Of course this won’t happen to every batch of sun tea; people do drink it all the time. But bacteria thrive in lukewarm liquids, so drink with caution. After seeing how mine turned out I think I may just stick with the instant variety.
Nature 1, Me 0.
—Sam Leonard
Monday, July 24, 2006
Road Trip: Laguna Beach

Last week I was fortunate enough to snag an extra ticket to the Pageant of the Masters at the Laguna Beach Festival of the Arts. People dress up like famous paintings — that’s all I’d heard. I really had no idea what to expect, besides that one “Arrested Development” episode, of course. I only received vague descriptions from anyone I asked about it, and it always ended up going something like, “You just have to see it. It’s pretty cool.” Well now I had the opportunity to see “it”, and my friend and I headed down to Laguna on a Monday evening to get there by the 8:30 start time, and hopefully grab some dinner first.
We arrived with plenty of time for food (miraculously, given the state of the 405). We ate at a spot down the block from where the festival was being held called Romeo Cucina. Now generally I’m not a big fan of fancy Italian restaurants, as I always think I can get the same food at my mom’s for free. But this was near the theater, and looked popular. They’ve got a nice big dining room with a full bar. Once seated, we ordered wine from the extremely friendly (albeit a bit frazzled) waiter, and perused the menu. Next to every menu section, there was an informative “LOW CARB”, “NO CARB”, or “REGULAR DIET CARB”- in case you couldn’t figure out that pasta has carbs and salad doesn’t. This is Orange County, after all-cant lose that beach body, now can we? I tried to look past the craziness at the food, and ordered.
This was NOT my mom’s cooking. In a good way. The house salad was huge, with a delicious house dressing, not your usual vinaigrette. My Spaghetti al Pennello was quite possibly the best pasta I have ever had (sorry, Mom!). Shrimps, Scallops, peppers, and the pasta itself was al dente just how I like it. Oh, and the bread. I always judge a restaurant by the bread they bring to the table (is that shallow?), and man this was good stuff. I could have eaten that for a meal (although I’m half-surprised they didn’t include a little note with the bread-“HAS CARBS”).
Onto the Pageant: its true, you just have to see it. At least once. I really can’t explain without sounding a little nuts.
Romeo Cucina
249 Broadway
Laguna Beach, CA
Laguna Beach Festival Of The Arts
Through Sept.1
Arrested Development - RIP
—Gina Gorman
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hooray for elephants! Hooray for mojitos!
It’s hot here in Los Angeles, but the Hungry? staffers had a bit of a break today. We went down to check out the recently opened Liberty Grill, and met the manager, Lori Theis. Liberty Grill is one of the new spots brought to us by Fred Eric of Fred 62 fame (p. 41 in da book). We’ve been carefully watching the construction of this place over the last months and, more recently, anxiously awaiting the opening as the smells of fresh BBQ wafted up from their test kitchen. It seems it was all well worth the wait. The place is gorgeous with two bars and a nice patio that should be perfect for a post-game, or, more likely, post-work drink. The menu seems focused on American comfort food with a typically-Fred hip twist (see: the Berzerkley sandwich) and with ambiance to match. When you’re there be sure to check out the photos of strange American roadside attractions, especially the milk pail shaped milkshake stand.
Even better, we saw elephants. And horses too. Yes, from the corner window of our office we watched a mini elephant parade march down 11th St. It would seem that the circus is in town. Our discovery sparked a discussion on the merits of the zoo. The conclusions were as follows:
1) We all like peanuts
2) We are also rather fond of elephants and acrobats.
3) The potential mistreatment of cute and/or sad animals is deplorable.
4) Clowns are sometimes scary. They are generally not very funny.
So, even though the Liberty Grill is decidedly not cooler than watching elephants we’re already fans. With weather like this we can’t wait to try one of their bars. Hotel Figueroa will your mojito stand up?
Coming soon…the great mojito challenge!
Even better, we saw elephants. And horses too. Yes, from the corner window of our office we watched a mini elephant parade march down 11th St. It would seem that the circus is in town. Our discovery sparked a discussion on the merits of the zoo. The conclusions were as follows:
1) We all like peanuts
2) We are also rather fond of elephants and acrobats.
3) The potential mistreatment of cute and/or sad animals is deplorable.
4) Clowns are sometimes scary. They are generally not very funny.
So, even though the Liberty Grill is decidedly not cooler than watching elephants we’re already fans. With weather like this we can’t wait to try one of their bars. Hotel Figueroa will your mojito stand up?
Coming soon…the great mojito challenge!
Friday, July 14, 2006
LA's Other Brown Haze: Tap Water

The greatest fuel any human can put in their body is generally the most overlooked on any menu—water. It might not be the sexiest or most thrilling item served during a night out, but water can make or break a meal. One friend of mine, who waits tables at an unnamed restaurant chain, recently recounted a tale of a customer concerned about “LA death water.” Said customer assumed the kitchen came equipped with water filters to protect its clientele. As anyone living in the city can tell you, coming home after a week’s vacation means clearing out the murky water stored in your pipes before cooking or cleaning. When it comes to ordering water at restaurants, there are a few keys to enjoying your water while avoiding the murk.
First, ninety-nine percent of restaurants do not filter their tap water. Classy establishments may offer bottled water, but filtering the free water flowing from the city treatment plants is a rarity. Tip number two on ordering water: get your water ice free if you want to gauge its true taste. The chill of ice water masks any bizarre flavorings in a glass of H2O. Water without ice also adds a bit of European style and sophistication to the dining experience. Lastly, take advantage of restaurants that provide a quality bottled water. I don’t mean the usual Crystal Geyser or Dasani, or even atrociously priced fizzy water. Nothing satisfies so subtly as smooth, clean French or Italian bottled water. For a less expensive Eastern treat, give cucumber water a shot some time (Mr. HANA at Westfield Century City). It’s not an every night of the week decision, but once in a while it gives your body a break from the red, white, and amber. You can even drive home safely without guessing how many margaritas equals a DUI.
—Jeremy Millington
Pioneertown Landmark Saved by Firefighters!

It's fire season, folks, and as much as we live in denial about it, every year it comes, and this year some of our neighbors aren't going home--so keep 'em in your thoughts. This year it hit early in the desert near Yucca Valley, in a place called Pioneertown, an outpost Hollywood built in the 1940s as a location for Gene Autry, the Cisco Kid, and a horde of Westerns.
We've been to Pioneertown a handful of times and are particularly fond of it's self-appointed city center, Pappy & Harriet's on the downtown drag. A cool and dark oasis from the hot hot hot summer sun, it also boasts a meat-lovers barbecue menu, a great bar, and live music from a lotta country, rockabilly, and bluegrass performers that you Have heard of.
Miraculously, Pappy & Harriet's and most of downtown Pioneertown was saved by our favorite superheroes, firefighters, who are apparently now fighting two large blazes that are promising to combine.
Sadly, many Pioneertown residences didn't make it. Once the fire passes, they're gonna need some business to rebuild their homes and city revenues, so take a side trip from the Springs or your Cabazon fix, or plan a getaway and visit Pappy & Harriet's Palace in Pioneertown, right next to Yucca Valley.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Diary of a Bad Idea Rethought
For a few years there, we loved the occasional visit to Sushi of Naples in Pasadena: A pleasant and reliable place to meet after work for some sushi, sake and Kirin Ichiban on tap--mostly sake and Kirin. Then...a new owner took over.
After a slapdash remodel that blanketed the floors with casino-style carpeting and some radical menu changes, it was painful to watch our favorite servers force a smile as they waited on fewer and fewer tables when the regulars just stopped stopping by. In fact, the only one left smiling was their iconic etched fish.
But we missed their Mardi Gras rolls, a delectable combination of crab, rock shrimp, albacore, avocado, chili sauce and deep fried onions, so we'd keep stopping in for a fix. The menu had gone "gourmet" and not in a good way--but the sushi chefs were still there, so our beloved concoction was safe--even if we did have to look at that hideous carpet.
With the polish off the remodel and the vulgar carpet fading, we're glad to report tables are filling up again-with regulars. The menu is slowly eeking back to its former, and better, self and the staff is smiling again. Guess the customers are sometimes right.

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